
Course on the Constitutions

This Course is meant to introduce in a detailed way the book of the Constitutions, making it even more relevant by comparing it with the Church’s more recent Documents which confirm its solidity, orthodoxy, relevance, and prophetic inspiration. The Course should produce the desired effect of seeking and studying the full book of the Constitutions as Blessed Rosmini consigned it to Fr Bertetti on his deathbed as his most precious legacy.  The book on the Constitutions of the Institute of Charity is a book which Rosmini treated as an inspired book, since the time of his special calling as a Founder in 1825. He wrote the book in just over three months in 1828 at Calvario, Domodossola, but worked on it till his death. He consigned the book to his successor just a few days before his holy death in Stresa in 1855, begging him to treasure the book and to keep it as the foundation of the Institute, and not to change anything in it, for everything in it has a profound reason. There is no doubt that the essence, nature, and charism of the Institute of Charity is to be found entire and complete only in the Constitutions.  This is the reason why every member of the Rosminian Family ought to read it, reflect on it, draw from it the abundance of Rosmini’s special charism for the Church. The brief Course on the Constitutions was intended initially for our Formators of postulants, novices, scholastics, coadjutors and for our Ascribed members and Adoptive Sons/Daughters. Many felt, however, that it can be useful to anyone, as a precious gift of the Spirit, and a rich source of true Rosminian Spirituality.