The Constitutions of the Institute of Charity – Called to be Saints Together

The new gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church found its embodiment in the Institute of Charity, and received its formal recognition by the Church on 20th September 1839, with the Apostolic Letter “In Sublimi”. There is no doubt that the full description of the unique charism of the Institute is to be found in the Constitutions.The new gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church found its embodiment in the Institute of Charity, and received its formal recognition by the Church on 20th September 1839, with the Apostolic Letter “In Sublimi”. There is no doubt that the full description of the unique charism of the Institute is to be found in the Constitutions. Unfortunately, it seems that, over the past 30-40 years, we have lost sight of the special vision for the Institute, as it is described in our Constitutions. At our meetings, assemblies, and chapters the Constitutions are often neglected, with the result that we find ourselves without vision, direction, and even purpose. In our confusion, we look at other Congregations, at “common sense” approaches to the great issues of formation, community life, works of charity, life of prayer, etc. We seek for guidance in the documents issued by the Congregations, not so much for enriching what we already possess, but to find a way in the Church.

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