Introduction to philosophy

Vol. 1 About the Author’s Studies

Rosmini explains the aims he had in writing his philosophical works. He discusses the concept of wisdom; it is action as well as knowledge, and includes religion. For this reason a true wisdom must deal with revealed religion, that is, the supernatural order.

ISBN 1 899093 02 8, A5 pbk, pp. x+236,  £8.00

A New Essay concerning the Origin Ideas

Vol. 1

A philosophical examination of the development of thought on the origin of ideas. Rosmini considers critically the teaching of Plato, Aristotle, Leibniz and Kant; Locke, Hume, Condillac, Thomas Reid and Dugald Stewart.

ISBN 1 899093 55 9, A5 pbk, pp. xxiii+444, £9

Vol. 2

After examining the history of philosophical theory about the possibility of thought, Rosmini sets out his own conclusion about the nature and origin of thought. It is dependent upon the innate, objective light of reason — the ‘idea of being’, as he calls it.

ISBN 1 899093 60 5, A5 pbk, pp. 481, £9

Vol. 3

The criterion of certainty, the force of a priori reasoning and the primary division of the sciences arc immediate consequences of Rosmini’s recognition of the light of being as the constitutive element of intelligence.

ISBN 1899093 65 6, A5 pbk, pp. 372 £9

Principles of Ethics

Principles of Ethics builds on the New Essay by illustrating philosophically the objective, unchangeable value of moral principles, and the need to apply them to changing conditions.

ISBN 0 951 3211 37, A5 pbk, pp. 111, £7


Second edition, 2011, revised and reset. The problem of objective principles in morality is only the foundation-difficulty of modern ethical dilemmas. Towering above them all stands the problem of the formation and moral force of conscience.

ISBN 978 1 899093 80 9, A5, pp. 438,  £9.00

Anthropology as an Aid to Moral Science

We cannot apply the principles of moral law and obligation without intimate knowledge of the subject — the human being — who has to act morally. An anthropology is required to provide accurate information of human nature in its relationship to moral science if the universal principles are to be located in their total human context.

ISBN 0 951 3211 45, A5 pbk. Xiii+523, £9

Vol. 1, The Summary Cause for the Stability and Downfall of Human Societies

2nd edition, 2010, revised and reset. Rosmini considers the fundamental criterion governing the foundation, development and disintegration of every society or association. He shows how this criterion serves to validate or condemn activity undertaken by government.

ISBN 1 978 1 899093 021, A5 pbk, pp. xii+96,  £9.00

 Vol 2, Society and its Purpose

2nd edition, 2010, revised and reset. An examination of the nature of society, and of the elements which form civil society. The inviolable rights of the individual, irrespective of membership of society, are clearly established before Rosmini examines how morality ‘tempers and reconciles social and extra-social right’.

ISBN 1 978 1 899093 03 8, A5 pbk, pp. 445, £8

Vol. 1, The Essence of Right

The essence of right is rooted in the dignity proper to each human being as

‘person’ — dignity founded in the objective light of being.

ISBN 0 951 3211 7 X, A5 pbk, pp. 216, £8

Vol. 2, Rights of the Individual

Every person is a source of subsistent right. The State exists to protect the exercise of rights,

ISBN 0 951 3211 88, A5, pbk, pp. 596, £9

Vol. 3, Universal Social Right

Rosmini examines rights in persons who form societies, lie subjects Lhe concept and origin of society to acute analysis.

ISBN 0 951 3211 96, A5 pbk, pp. xii+144, £7

 Vol. 4, Rights in God’s Church

Rosmini applies to the Christian Church the universal principles of social right.

ISBN 1 89909310 9, A5 pbk, pp. xiii+176, £7

Vol. 5, Rights in the Family

Rosmini examines the nature and rights inherent in domestic society, which forms the second of the two great societies structured ‘ for the unification of the human race’.

ISBN 1 899093 15 X, A5 pbk, pp. xxii+248. £7

Vol. 6, Rights in Civil Society

Rosmini investigates the nature of civil society and its role in modifying the exercise of rights possessed by its members. Civil society exists not to create rights for its citizens, nor to deprive them of their rights, but to enable the maximum exercise of the rights of all.

ISBN 899093 20 6, A5 pbk, pp. xxii+487, £8


Vol. 1, Essence of the Human Soul

The first volume of Rosmini’s Psychology sets the context for the whole work. The properties of the soul according to Rosmini are unity, spirituality and immortality. The relationship between soul and body, and the finiteness and infinity of the soul arc dealt with at length.

ISBN 1 899093 25 7, A5 pbk, pp. xxiii+392, £9

Vol. 2, Development of the Human Soul

Rosmini considers the acts, capacities, functions and habits produced by the soul, and the laws which it follows in its continual activity and operations.

ISBN 1 899093 30 3, A5 pbk, pp. xvi+560, £9

Vol. 3, The Laws of Animality

Rosmini divides the animal activity of human nature into two great instincts, which he calls ‘life instinct’ and ‘sensuous instinct’, and dealt briefly with both before passing to examine the struggles confronting the life instinct in its fight for survival, and the way in which it prompts the activity of the sensuous instinct.

ISBN 1 899093 35 4, A5 pbk, pp. x+263, £7

Vol. 4, Opinions about the Human Soul

This fourth volume of Psychology’ contains Rosmini’s interpretation philosophical work on the soul throughout Western history, lie makes an

immense and fruitful effort to enter into the mind and spirit of the philosophers  whose opinions he analyses. In all cases, but especially with regard to Aristotle and Empedocles, Rosmini offers erudite, profound and stimulating comments into the nature of philosophical thought in history.

ISBN 1 899093 40 0, pbk, pp. vi+162, £6


Rosmini’s Theosophy is the crowning work of his philosophical study and reflection. Written for the most part towards the end of his life and running to five volumes, it was never completed. His intent is to investigate being in all its extension and forms.

Vol. 1  Tackles the problem of the one and the many, and includes a study of relationships, truth, order and beauty.

Vol. 2  Investigates trine being — being, both infinite and finite, manifests itself in three forms: real, ideal and moral. The Christian doctrine of the Trinity, as three in one, finds a place in such a study.

Vol. 3  Completes his treatise on the trine being. He deals with relationships between abstracts: he investigates cause, gives an ontological explanation of giving and receiving, activity and passivity, and finally deals with the problems concerning feeling, motor power, translocation, space and location.

Vol. 1: The problem of ontology: Being-as-one

ISBN 978 1 899093 75 5, A5 pbk, pp. xxvi+ £10

Vol. 2: Trine being
 ISBN 978 1 899093 76 2, A5 pbk, pp. xiv+563, £10
Vol. 3: Trine being (continued)
ISBN 978 1 899093 76 2, A pbk, pp. xii+448, £10